Page 141 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 141
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments : Foreword
such as rationality, intelligence, instinct, will, consciousness itself and creative imagination, co- operative activity and social unity. However the ascent of life is marked by breaks and one wonders whether these breaks or leaps are due to an innate force or elan, or an upward force that has leaned towards it to pull it up. Religious experience in man reveals this leaning of the Cosmic consciousness or divine and transcendent grace consciousness towards it. Thus in man this conjunction of the Divine and the human is made possible for the first time in evolution. But a jump to the Ultimate consciousness or Being is a long way off. And the natural evolution of man will reveal that in his life the incidence of a force much vaster and superior to himself takes its hand. This is the beginning of spirituality. The self confronts its own deepest urge to be this urge towards the ultimate reality without which its own future is impossible and untenable.
This is the call to knowledge of the self, to fulfilment, toperfection,toultimatehappinessand bliss,andabove all to the feeling and realisation of reality of oneself which seemstobeslippingaway initsownoriginalnature.
The seers of India had long ago seen this necessity forthehelpoftheHighestandUltimate spiritforlifting man to higher levels of consciousness and awareness, such as super consciousness and absolute consciousness or Experience. Supermind belongs to the regions of the level very much above the human mental and overmental.