Page 206 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 206
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
of existence, the supra-active Centre of the entire manifestation or the Absolute Base. It is beyond quality, activity, or consciousness. It is also known as Para Brahma. Next comes the idea of God as Supreme existence. We see the universe with all its diversities and differentiations and we are led to believe in its creator and controller. We call him Ishwar orSaguna Brahma (Determinate Absolute). We think of Him as a formless Eternal Existence, which is omnipotent and omniscient and possesses all the finest attributes. He is the efficient cause of the world and He is also its preserver and destroyer. It is only when viewed from this lower standpoint that God (as the God of religion) becomes an object of worship. This is the final approach of almost all the religions. So far, God is conceived of as Nirakar or formless, but possessing of certain attributes. This is in itself a difficult idea for the common folk to grasp. They therefore, try to secure an easier approach by taking up to a more tangible form. Some, therefore, think of Him as seated on the highest Heaven, administering justice and benevolence to all. Others think of Him as an all- pervading power controlling the Universe. Thus by degrees we are in a way gradually drifting away from the Nirakar or formless aspect to some tangible form or Sakar. Much has been said in the religious books about the two conceptions, the Nirakar and Sakar, but really both the conceptions, as generally understood, are greatly misleading. Really God is neither Nirakar nor Sakar but