Page 207 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 207
Reality at Dawn - Religion
beyond both. Those who treat him as Sakar limit the Limitless within bounds of form and shape. The result is that they cultivate narrow-mindedness and remain forever within bounds. If we take Him as Nirakar the very idea brings to our mind the limitation of attributes as creator, controller and destroyer. Even the idea of God as Power or Energy is still a limited conception. We go on ahead to the idea of non-entity or zero, still we are in a way somewhat away from Reality. What then? Expression now fails. Sufficient be it to say that if we are really away from both the conceptions, we may think ourselves to be in the right direction. So long as we remain confined within the bounds of religion the God of religion remains in our view and we remain entangled within one or the other view. The highest spiritual attainment is only possible when we go beyond. In fact spirituality begins where religion ends. Religion is only a preliminary stage for preparing a man for his march on the path of freedom. When he has set his foot on the path, he is then beyond the limits of religion. The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality; the end of spirituality is the beginning of Reality and the end of Reality is the real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination. That is the highest mark which is almost inexpressible in words.
Worship of gods and deities in various forms is a crude development of the same Sakar theory. Worship of every power of nature and even of mountains, rivers and trees is a further degradation of the same view. What a