Page 212 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 212
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
aloof from slightest association with anything higher or finer. They are almost spellbound by its effects, which they consider to be a spiritual stage although in fact they are far away from it. My personal experience in the spiritual field has revealed to me that it is a pretty hard and tedious task to shatter the hard crust, created by such forms of practice, from the hearts of those coming to me for spiritual pursuit. If one wants to free oneself from these bondages of soul he must necessarily clear off the layer of grossness and solidity settled over his mind as a result of these stultifying practices.
Another form of worship commonly thought to be more advanced, is to sing or recite in chorus, lines in praise of the god or goddess they worship. People assemble together in parties and at late hours in the night, sing in chorus at the top of their voice disturbing the calm atmosphere of the night. They think that they are thereby discharging a pious duty of injecting, as they say, into the ears of as many as they can, the sacred name of God. Not only this, they sometimes even make use of microphone to broadcast the sound. They are totally unmindful of the discomfort or inconvenience it might cause to persons who may possibly be in need of quiet repose after their day’s tiring labour or illness. It may at the same time be offering serious disturbance to those who practise meditation in the calm hours of the night.