Page 214 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 214
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
recreative change after serious mental practices. Moreover unfortunately today the ideal too kept in view during these practices is not the highest. In most cases they remain all along in close touch with the idea of gods in the physical form keeping in view their gross body and activities. The effect of this gross conception is nothing but internal grossness and opacity, which they inhale all along during the practice. A gross conception will necessarily keep you within bounds and limitations and final approach or absolute freedom can never be possible. This is the reason why in spite of years of practice they find themselves at the lowest level of attainment. They are, so to say, searching everything in a stagnant pool where even oxygen, necessary for the upkeep of life, is wanting. They have made such a pool their permanent abode. Proper light is needed to make pearls. What we must strive for in order to secure absolute freedom from bondage is to become the lightest and the finest, closely corresponding with the godly attributes and securing complete similarity with Him. The nectar of real life is for him and him alone who bring himself up to the standard required for the purpose.