Page 25 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 25
Introduction to the Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Consciousness such as the individuated particularised individuals possess is not the Ultimate. True consciousness is something very different. Even so Shri Ram Chandraji considers that the “soul possesses consciousness as a result of God’s will to effect creation” (Reality at Dawn p.31 first ed.). The soul is said to be conscious only because it arises from it when it is called upon to function. A state of realisation, which is for oneself, goes behind this consciousness which is needed for work outside itself and for others. Even in the case of our knowing God this is normally directed outward towards manifestations and images or representations or symbols of God. But in the case of knowing God as He is in Himself and for Himself, one has to go behind this consciousness. Thus alone can one enter into the Divine (tattvena pravestum) as the Gita puts it.
Thus one attains the Divine through the Divine’s help as Guru. The Isvara in the Yoga system is known as the teacher or perfect teacher - perfection being translated as Isvaratva. Even so, in the Sahaj Marg, the Divine or Guru is teacher and trainer and transmitter of the Divine breath and thought and consciousness by which the dhyana is cultivated and improved and perfected into Samadhi of the Sahaj Marg. All this is seen to happen naturally, simplified and efficient, producing what we may call welfare all round and peace in everybody.