Page 27 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 27
Introduction to the Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
the highest consciousness, which becomes the divine censor within or conscience, makes the following of the several steps of moral reformation easy. The will to do the right, knowing the right, is all that is necessary. One should not be in the state of mind of many a weakling; ‘I know what is righteous, but am unable to follow it; I know what is wrong (evil) but am unable to resist doing it.” This predicament of the moral degenerate like Duryodhana is made impossible once the individual comes into the path of spiritual regeneration and evolution through spiritual transmission.
All yoga involves the practice of self-restraining (yama) in all conduct, and certain basic observances (niyama). The ‘Commentary on the Ten Commandments’ expounds at length the commandments or directions for daily routine observance by every abhyasi. One should practise these consistently and uniformly with the feeling that all this is pleasing to the Divine. Love dictates the moral life rather than mere duty. Thus one is instructed to rise early and offer prayer to God at fixed hours sitting in a pose which is convenient for meditation on the heart. One should have the goal steadily before one’s mind-this goal being the Ultimate condition of Reality itself. One must become more and more identical with Nature, the Ultimate superfine superconscious state of Reality.