Page 262 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 262
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
that their spiritual as well as worldly life must go side by side equally resplendent and for this we have to discover the right means.
Proper spiritual training, fitting closely with the present worldly life is, therefore, the only thing required for the spiritual growth of the common people and which has so far been unfortunately neglected. For such a type of training we stand in need of help from outside in most of the cases. This help comes from the Guru or the Master, who is the only person able to shape our destiny. When this help comes, the spiritual life is awakened and the higher powers of soul are roused to help our growth.
Such impulse is to be sought only from one of our own fellow beings of the highest calibre, who may be within our approach ready to solve our difficulties at any time. The practice of seeking inspiration or guidance from gods and demi- gods or from some departed soul treating it as Guru or Master is in most cases very dangerous. Similar is the case with those also who seek guidance from their inner voice, as they call it. I have come across people who lay great stress upon their inner voice, which they think to be the real guide in all controversial matters arising in the mind. We have concrete examples of people relying on their so-called inner voice who are found to have been misled in the spiritual field. Really what they think to be their inner voice or an impulse from the departed soul is only the play of their indiscipline mind.