Page 322 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 322
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
They feel and proclaim themselves to be teachers of men following a family life. To learn anything from the latter is beyond their understanding and their sense of dignity and pride. This vanity and egotism has entirely ruined their spirit and thus the real merit is lost though the outward form still remains intact. When it comes to be so, similar developments began to come into effect as its result. Everything assumed a crude state and the same effect began to be reflected from it. The significance of yoga was lost and parrot like recitations were taken to be all needed for the purpose. This began to be preached all round as the highest mark of perfection. Thus they not only remained blind to reality but have also been incapable of even imitating it in its outer ways through their external practices. On the contrary adverse thoughts began to settle down in their minds and they began to teach the same to others.Iftheyturnedtowardsdevotion(Bhakti) theybegan to display playful show of human qualities; and if they leaned towards knowledge (Jnana) their wantonness was revealed in its true colours. They squeezed out only that whichtheirgarmentwasdrenchedwith.In shortthepeople inherited the very defects, which existed in those teachers.
A common man being pleased with their easygoing rules adopted them for their practice only to drive themselves finally to a state of distortion. They are in fact following the very practices, which go against the attainment of the real knowledge, yet still the vanity of being a Jnani (knower) stands. They do not bother about