Page 323 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 323
Towards Infinity - Preface
what others say about it. Their only concern is about what they themselves say. They do not even allow others the privilege of pointing out the right thing to them, because that would be a rude shock to their sense of self- perfection, and in that capacity they inwardly feel justified for it. What the Nature wants men to lead to is quite unknown to them because they have no access up to it. They do not even know that now the time has come for them to mend.
A person can rightly be taken as the knower of the divine knowledge in true sense when he has mastered the various conditions depicted in this booklet. He who transcends them is capable of being a guru or teacher and he who transcends beyond where one might rarely be able to reach deserves to be called a Sadguru. Further beyond there remains nothing, which is not within his comprehensive knowledge.
I have written this book not to cast aspersions on any one, but only to help the so-called Jnanis (agnostics) in throwing off their vanity and egotism to secure their firm stand in the Absolute Reality so that they may also be helpful in transforming the world in accordance with the demand of Nature. Mend, the times will, but it would be better if such persons too had their share in it.
Ramachandra Author