Page 326 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 326
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
on. Indescribable, it is yet capable of being experienced through the grace of the Ultimate for verily the Divine reveals Its body “Tanum swam vivernute” to the chosen one. In the abhyasa of this yoga (raja yoga) Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj gives an inward account of the progress of the experiences as the soul passes from one state to another.Thesebhumikas orstagesoftheUltimatehave indeed been formed for each individual ray or soul through a process of creative descent, and has formed the several knotsorgranthis orplanes,eachdevelopingaparticular law and form of its own, which has made for the bondage and sorrow. It is inevitable that a soul that has thus formed its descent should attempt to return. The awareness of the steps of the descent having been forgotten, it remains for it to seek one who not only knows the steps but has gone beyond to the Ultimate and can lead one up through Yogic Transmission from stage to stage, for there is always the serious doubt about anyone who hath ascended but little, and has been caught up in some higher knot of being that is but rotating him in that higher circle or wheel however much beyond our human state. The acute and clear vision of Shri Ram Chandra Ji shows that these knots are at once to be understood in their true nature and dissolved (Laya) and a higher form (Sarupyata), recovered and integrated (Sayujyata) and transcended. The originality of these descriptions and the method of transcendence of these knots or circle of being and the experiences of the different kinds of Ananda that had made for the descent,