Page 328 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 328
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
universal emancipation. That all could achieve emancipation at the same time and should, is a fervent hope that has hardly Divine-possibility, but everyone can achieve it in one life provided he really seeks emancipation, transformation and supramentalisation. It is easy however to avoid the effort by an ideological and sentimental intellectual subterfuge for reasons known or unknown to oneself. There is hardly any doubt that the true seekers of the Ultimate experience, and the solution of the problem of life, will find these pages of utmost help and relevance. They would be guided by the authentic words of the true Guru and seek through him the Ultimate. For it is truly said that a true Guru is difficult to get, and in the words of the Upanishad we can also reply that a true disciple is also equally difficult to find or get. We are fortunate that we have among us a true Guru in every sense of the term, who is earnest to be tried and tested, and may India be enabled to seek his help and may mankind be profited by his presence among men.
We have so many men earnest for the higher life. There are many voices and many doctrines and multitudinous aspirations. It is clear that a spiritual solution alone can be true and none who has not discovered true spirituality can really be able to help in the regeneration if not reorganisation of mankind. It is therefore clear that even in the fields of spirituality voices of lesser calibre are being heard, voices that strike the notes of pseudospirituality, such as humanism, humanitarianism