Page 329 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 329
Towards Infinity - Foreword
and so on which are expressions of spirituality, but not spirituality itself. We have to arrive at that ‘real’ thing which is unadulterated spirituality, for the present age is a more complicated age than previous ones, requiring a complete transformation of man all over the world in all his attitudes. True unity in the world, all other co-operative enterprises, international and inter-racial can hardly touch the core of the human problem. Therefore it becomes incumbent on men of serious purpose to seek the real and ultimate stuff. It should not be said that we are merely seeking to dissolve men in the primeval and original substance and be lost or merged in it for ever. On the contrary it appears that we can hardly have universal salvation unless we regain that awareness and experience of that Ultimate state for each. This does not mean the extinguishment of the ‘ray of creation’ in the individual on his attainment of the ‘Mukti’, leaving the world poorer, and God without a ray of ‘Lila’. It is therefore with a feeling of urgency of the individual fulfilment and realisation that Shri Ram Chandra Ji has given this book to the world. May he live long to see the fulfilment of the hope of ages.
Dr. K.C. Varadachari