Page 331 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 331
3.Knowledge - Jnana
When the time of creation came, preparations commenced, currents flowed out, vibrations intensified, formationofknots(granthis) started,momentumgathered, churning process set in and actions and reactions began and continued till objects began to assume individual forms. The process of creation thus came into full swing. Animate and inanimate objects began to come into existence. In course of time all the objects came to light and the universe was formed.
The activity, which had started, went on developing till finally the idea of inactivity, which lay at the bottom of motion, began to surge up. It formed the basis of all philosophical speculations. Mental aspirations leading to the search for the higher started from this point and became the foundation of religion. The activity, which had already sprung up in us, reminded us of its non-existent state. When we thought of it we hit upon the previous state of inactivity. In this way activity reminded us of inactivity and the inactivity explained to us the meaning of activity. Thus the two opposites came to our view. When the first stage of activity came to view, it seemed to be quite akin to the state of motionlessness.