Page 347 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 347
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
we acquire the states of merging and identicality, the phase changes and the knowledge of the sphere is gained. The feeling of purity persists still though with some sharpness which affirms the existence of some force in it. What answer will the jnanis - agnostics of today, give if they are asked about the extent of their knowledge, although to confess the truth the condition of the real knowledge has not even dawned in them as yet. It is a matter of regret that people often present themselves in false colours - in a state which they never have arrived at. The fact is that either they misunderstand it or they only mean to show off in order to impose their own greatness. The people having eyes and vision are no doubt rare and even if there happens to be one, none of them will ever be inclined to accept him as such or to believe in what he says, rather they will all join together to drown his judgement in their clamour.
How nice a place, beyond all appreciations! A fuller description of the region might cover volumes. I may here add that the sudarshan chakra - finger wheel of Lord Krishna which is so highly spoken of in the book of yore, possessed the power of this very region. Now I probe into the knot to tell you something more about it. On entering into its mysteries an abhyasi finds in it some sort of whirling rings which contain so much power and momentum that if it is applied to any of the biggest objects it will not only be shaken but even shattered to pieces by the