Page 348 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 348
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
effect. There are many other things which an abhyasi may experience when he gets into this state.
How is this power generated? When several planets constellate they create a force, which maintains them at their respective places. Mastery over this point endows a man with similar powers. Acquiring mastery over a certain condition is nothing but merging in it just like medicine which gets dissolved into the body of a man. When we have achieved so much then a little higher above we come across another thing, which I have termed as Maha- Kal- Chakra5 - the wheel of the Supreme. It is that which creates field for the force, which maintains stars at their
5 Maha-kal-chakra (the wheel of the Supreme) : — the sudarshan chakra of Lord Krishna is well known to everybody. It is represented in the form of a bright disc which could be cast at the target aimed at after revolving it round the finger. For this reason it is often called as the finger-wheel of Lord Krishna. It was the most powerful weapon which Lord Krishna had utilised for bringing about the required Change in the world structure. It had the full power of the virat region in it. The sudarshan chakra was in fact not the material instrument (in the form of the disc) which Lord Krishna possessed but the subtle power (in the form of revolving ring) which was under full command of Lord Krishna. The Maha-kal- chakra is a stronger power than the sudarshan. It is infused with the power of the time. (See Appendix I). It descends under rare circumstances when its use for some immensely great task is inevitable. The present overhauling of the universe is a far heavier task than the one for which Lord Krishna had come down to the earth. Consequently it is now the time that demands the use of this superior power for bringing about the Change on a much larger scale and for which the great Divine Personality has already come down to earth and is working for it with the help of this superior power under his command.