Page 356 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 356
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Eleventh knot
Having accomplished this we now step into the eleventh knot. Off goes the veil and the vision of Reality now comes to light. We now feel helpless, beyond control. A constant craving for Him accompanied by all its aches and pangs prevail every moment. There is no rest or peace without Him. Truly speaking peace has now departed from us. What remains instead may better be expressed as a condition of peace from which peacefulness is sucked out. That is exactly the condition of the knot, which we experience and get it finally merged. What remains there now? Everything seems lost except the pang which persists still and which is the only thing, which helps our onward approach. It ends when we have plunged into the Reality and moved on into the state of identicality. When that too is merged we come to a state of refined identicality, which marks our approach to the twelfth knot.
Twelfth knot
Now we arrive at the twelfth knot. What is there? It is the merging point of all things, acquired at the different stages of merging and identicality. We now enter automatically into the state of refined identicality or sayujyata, where the panorama is so much vested with purity that even simplicity may seem to be a hundred times heavier. If any other more appropriate word may have