Page 357 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 357
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
been available to denote the condition further on that too must be many times heavier than even simplicity. Now we proceed on with refined identicality and begin to perceive a new form of existence which comes to our experience at the next knot.
Thirteenth knot
As we reach this thirteenth knot we begin to feel existence all through - an eternal existence. I have taken up only the major knots because the minor ones are innumerable and their difference is beyond words. So far words have somehow struggled on to express but they are henceforth helpless. Still our pilgrimage continues. Numberless such knots come in our way and we pass through the conditions of merging and identicality at each of them. Maya loses its touch even before we enter into the thirteenth knot. So is the case with egoism. Further on everything loses its charm. Run is still there, till the run itself ends. And further on, it changes its form. This state is attainable after thousands of years of labour and toil but the onward march is only possible when a capable guide or Master is available. Whosoever has got such a sadguru traverses every knot and finally reaches the shores of infinite ocean, which is the ultimate limit of knowledge.