Page 36 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 36
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
assisted by the two yogas of Prapatti or Saranagati and Dhyana.
In the fourth book entitled Towards Infinity, Shri Ram Chandraji presents further researches into the psychic state of the human individual. He reveals that though the ancients knew of the knots (granthis) they hardly thought of them as centres of power or batteries wherein the transformation of one kind of power happens into another, and one kind of vibrations is modified or reversed into another. In fact it is crucial that one should know how one kind of force transforms itself into another and how the subtle becomes gross and so on. It is the greatest psychic discovery of the present times. The knots are precisely centres to which we should pay attention in Yoga. The divine transmission has to make the transformation of one kind of energy into another and in the process attend to the force released for higher evolution. The ancients knew of the knot of the heart, which they held was the knot of attachment and insisted upon its being cut. Shri Ram Chandraji shows that these knots, which appear to be so very difficult to cross over or transcend, could by this yoga be made to yield power for ascent to higher levels. They have been formed at different levels with the human organism also as in the Macrocosm. These centres or knots or points are very important.