Page 38 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 38
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
known as Pind pradesh. There are four in Mind Region called also the region of the Supermind of God and Brahmanda. Here is the Cit-lake where the mind becomes calm and collected and peace prevails. A thoughtless condition is achieved. Going beyond one enters the field of the Prapanna and the Prabhu, which are placed in the Parabrahmanda mandal. Going still farther on, one reaches the Central Region with the knots 11, 12 and 13, which is the Centre.
In a later work He has shown that there are nine points at the right sacral area, which are centres of desire, (sexual) passion and thoughts, all pertaining to sex. He has, in addition discovered the seat of the individual soul, the destructive eye which is opened in times of pralaya, both individual and cosmic.
He has been carrying on researches on these levels assiduously and has revealed many more points, which cannot be described intelligibly to those who have not risen to the Anubhava of the Central Reality. There are points of conversion of atoms or ultimate particles into pure energy, which is utilised for the cosmic purposes of transmission.
All these have been demonstrated by Him to be within the limits of human anubhava.
Such is the work of this great Master of Psychical Knowledge (adhyatma vidya) which is now