Page 365 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 365
Towards Infinity - The Final State
in the Infinite Ocean. He shall definitely be nearmost to Bhuma and further on if contact is developed which is nothing but the state of merging or layavastha in the Bhuma, then everything is accomplished and all his activities in the spiritual field come to an end. Whatsoever little remains may be beyond the grasp of imagination. The life which is acquired after this final merging is the real life which is attainable only after complete negation of self. Now if we dissolve that, the life would then be a refined existence and if that too is merged then whatever remains would be the Real. Words fail to picture that which comes after the ultimate merging of that last state. At this level there remains but a nominal difference between him and the Bhuma. Further on, the next condition is when the conception of Bhuma is thoroughly vivified. Nothing beyond it can be said, though thought goes on further still, and no end can be traced out. When we arrive at the final condition and begin receiving commands, our understanding fails to decide as to wherefrom they have come. When this condition dawns we must realise that we have arrived at the state where it can be rightly presumed that God does not move till moved by the devotee. When we enter this ultimate state we are in a state of oneness. This is in fact the real sphere of advaita though, if consciousness of it remains, duality has not yet forsaken us in the true sense. In other words, the ultimate changeless state has not so far dawned. As a matter of fact it is the place where the feelings of both