Page 71 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
P. 71

In India, known to be spiritual centre of this part of the galaxy itself, we had a highly evolved culture based on Divine traits of tolerance, co-existence and good neighbourliness. These very qualities have become our undoing under the distorted and totally misunderstood and deliberately flawed interpretations of the Veda and Upanishad Teachings. The dynastic rule of the kings with their supposedly Divine Linkages, the vested interests of the Brahminism, the local and economic interests of landed and trade classes and power-mongers of the society have made us slaves to the marauding forces that invaded and ruled India for so many centuries. Our thoroughly debased values were dexterously exploited by these alien rulers to lord over us. The unity of the Bharata Varsha as a Nation was completely forgotten and the integrating force of our Santana Dharma was deliberately torched by our own people. We are only to be blamed for all our ills. The caste system has come to afflict our society and eroded the core and vitals of our social harmony and cultural balance. What came at one point of time, only as a measure for the division of labour and work in the society, the caste system - due to deliberate distortions - has come to be perpetuated as a denomination and permanent bifurcation of our life systems - all in the name of non-existent but all permeating Hindu religion. Even Sanatana Dharma is being misquoted to support this repugnant, ridiculous, inhuman and paradoxical Varnashrama division as a Dharma. Our great and erudite men of Shastras are reluctant, even at this perilous hour, to come out with socio-religious counter strategies to root out this greatest and obnoxious evil of our society. There is complete social upheaval in our country and Hindu religion as a Way of Life is in complete disarray and has long ceased as a unifying force of the Nation. It has now become a disintegrating force. As a social group we are totally disintegrated. As a cultural system, we are fully disintegrated. As people, we are thoroughly disintegrated lot. To restore our Nation to its original glory and righteousness, it is the boundan duty of every human being of this great land.
The reasons for such phenomenal disruption of and distortions in our natural and simple way of life are not far to seek. Spirituality has ceased to be the pivot around which the entire life and living systems are woven. Solid materialism has usurped the position of spiritualism in our daily social life. Pranahuti or Yogic Transmission which was the sustaining Divine energy to keep common men and women on the Path of Reality, Harmony and Fraternity has long become forgotten in its own Motherland. Individual ego, selfishness and narrow parochial proclivities have come to dominate all the facets of our lives. God has been identified as a convenient Instrument to further these evils and Asuric means of life. When the bulk of the populace who led normal Grihastha life are alienated from the path of Dharma, Nature, Divinity or whatever we may call it, what more can we expect except

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