Page 72 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
P. 72

degeneration in values, corruption and other known anti-social and non- spiritual propensities; all in the name of development, progress and even God Himself? Despite belonging to one of the oldest and great, in fact, only civilisation on the Earth based on Reality itself; we have started looking towards the West and all other directions only to ape their promiscuous, discordant and lex talionis ways and means of materialism breaking in the bargain, the very solid and sound foundation on which we had so assiduously built our society based on individual dignity, honour, compassion, sharing and sacrifice. Now that the decay that has set in has reached its zenith, we need to take serious cognizance of the total scenario and stiffen the sinews to take drastic and even surgical measures to cleanse our individual and collective living and turn the tide to restore natural balance lest we are over taken by the Scythe of Time which is anyway unsparing.
In this march of Time, religions tried to bind God or Divinity to a particular form and a specified Name; of their faith and belief. As an object of worship, the Saguna Concept of the Almighty dominated all religious rituals as well as teachings. Its role as an integrating and unifying force and as a link between humanity and Divinity has totally become extinct. We forgot that God is not to be found within the fold of a particular religion or sect. He cannot be contained within certain forms and Karma Kanda. He cannot be traced within the pages of Holy Books. This reductio ad absurdum and containment of Infinite in the finite, Eternal in the temporal, Unbounded in the bounded and Formless and Nameless into a restricted form and name have all been reflecting our endeavours to comprehend the Divinity in a constricted and totally inadequate blinkered understanding. And in the name of such religion and their Founder-Heads and Gods, we fought long wars of destruction, annihilated people who were pursuing their own channels of approach to the Divine and eventually degenerated to the levels of animals persecuting human being of all hues and colours with destruction and decimation. The facet of material manifestation as the other Expression of the Divinity has willfully and unceremoniously been disregarded. Spirituality and materiality, though known to be two sides of the Divine Magnificence, our activities were confined mostly to solid material aspects completely ignoring the sine qua non of spirituality for the fullness of life itself. We also have become oblivious of the fact that the entire creation is only to express Divinity, instead we have been constantly endeavouring to display our own creation totally hiding Divinity and His Expression. Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur (U.P.) (our Babuji Maharaj) always used to emphasise that “We have hidden the Divine in our hearts and are exhibiting ourselves. Hide yourself and express Divinity; His creation will automatically work beautifully”.

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