Page 106 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 106

 metaphysics or physics of this descent from the Centre or the formation of the knots. Its extraordinary method of cleaning and controlling the body and subduing it by means of postures (asanas) and bandhas (bindings) and even breaths (kumbhakas) leads undoubtedly to spectacular control over the autonomous nervous system. That is of course remarkable. It truly establishes the ancient dictum that mind moves matter (mens agitat molem). Hathayoga does not really use the Ultimate or Central Force to effect the ascent and untie the knots beyond a particular point. This point Shri Ram Chandraji says is the Ajna cakra (the centre between the two eye brows). We can infer that the force of thought utilized by the Hathayoga is of this level alone and not beyond it. The ineffectual activity of the Ajna cakra thought becomes evident when we find also that all the so called miracles, capacities and abilities are of the region of Maya or power, and one does not transcend Maya at all. It is in respect of lower being a power of great value but a delusive one in so far as it makes one believe that it can lead upwards.
So far as the importance of utilizing the Central force in meditation and in doing it at the heart, there is always a danger of limiting our view of the Heart to the physical heart made up of flesh and blood.
Usually whenever we speak or think of the heart, it is this physical heart that we refer to. The Heart Region is that which covers both the inner and the outer which have resulted after the emergence of the First Mind - the higher worlds or brighter worlds obviously belong to the region of the First Mind. The Heart Region which is thus very vast is described by Shri Ram Chandraji as containing all the knots or cakras, and all com-munications with higher worlds. All establishment of relations with the Superconscious states as well as deep sleep states is possible in this region itself. Shri Ram Chandraji makes this statement because some persons think that they can avoid dealing with this region itself. He speaks of the Heart Region as the 'main artery of God', which means that we cannot reach God except through this region.
Bodily consciousness or that one is the body alone arises here in this region, and the body is being identified with the functioning of the heart, stopping when it stops or rather dying when it stops. It is the chief concern of the human being to maintain this body, and thus it happens that one lives for the sake of the body rather than that the body exists for true living. This is an

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