Page 107 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 107

 inversion or rather the putting of the cart before the horse. All the circles that man has put round himself are so many bondage rings owing to the preoccupation with the maintenance of the body. Shri Ram Chandraji states that the very form of the body in its solid form or condition is verily due to the hammering out of the rings into this form of roundness etc., and congealing it into solid condition of bones, muscles, nerves, glands, blood etc. The thought or ideas which are truly forces begin to be in a subordinate position. Instead of these ideas being really for the experience of the true state, man has developed new ideas which are inversions of the original and begin to subserve the ends of the body and its several parts or sections. Ideas become ineffective when they are sought to be worked out against the interests of the body. The whole world knows how all ideas which are conforming to the solidity of the body and its greater preservation are accepted, whilst the contrary ideas that seek to make the body, an instrument of dharma and moksha (dharma sadhana) are said to be nonsense. That is also one of the major reasons why the modern age is witnessing the triumph of economics over philosophy. Politics which was the philosophical sociology has today become a handmaid of economic distribution and production of goods which seek to protect the body as such and pamper to its enjoyment and pleasure.
A modern writer of the Oxford Movement, Peter Howard, wrote a fine book called Ideas have Legs, in which he showed the dynamic return of ideas to their legitimate role only when ideas are for the divine life. Ideas must be seen to have real nature only when they refer to the Ultimate Divine. Pseudo ideas are those which dominate the world of solids and grossness and forge wings of bondage in the name of security of the body. It is, as it were, a King or President of a State is held in protective custody in the castle which he built for being free.
Modern Idealism which considers ideas as forces or as Ultimate Realities is unfortunately unable to see that all its ideas are forced into patterns of sensory experience or economic dialectics or logistical dance of opposites arbitrarily constructed or invented by idealistic philosophers. Today our great difficulty in putting across real thought is due to the fact that ideas themselves have been congealed into solid jargons that have lost all capacity to lead to the real factors of the genesis of ideas.

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