Page 128 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 128

 relativity. You see me from one direction and another may see me from another point of view. There may be different kinds of photos. The photos are different, though I am the same. So we find deception can be practised in a wide scale. Now in this world of deceptive realities, should we not have some certainty about our knowledge? The only certainty today is the certainty of mathematics. Two plus two is four is a proven fact, and if you work out the theory of numbers, you will find it very wonderful. All mathematics is very certain. We have some assumptions also. Why cannot we have assumptions in philosophy as in mathematics? He went about trying to know which are doubts. Experiences are all doubts. Everything that we want to know about through our senses is doubt. If we go on enquiring very vigorously pulling away every matter that is doubtful, we come to a stage where we doubt everything.
Now what about the 'I' which is doubting? Is it in doubt? You may ask that. In our Indian Vedantic philosophy, they say all things are Maya, including the 'I'. There must be one certainty, namely, 'I' who doubts and must be a Reality. 'I' at least exists as a doubter. This certainty we must have. That is how it is called a methodological doubt and not a skeptical doubt. Philosophy starts in doubt. Does it mean that it begins with doubt and ends in doubt? Every science must have a starting point - the assumptions that we are making are in line. Master dismisses this methodological doubt which is very important. He says philosophy starts with wonder. I shall connect it with methodological doubt.
Now, a man who is certain is confronted with deception and another wonder is that a man goes about enjoying his deception and creating illusions. What is this peculiarity of mind which abhors and goes about creating illusions. If one type of illusions goes out, it creates another type of illusions for itself and enjoys them. All our creative art is a kind of deception of ourselves, trying to make what is really ugly into the beautiful and in fact is an art of self-deception - So, so far as we are concerned, philosophy in the sense that it starts with wonder or starts with doubt and ends in doubt or that it finally ends in a kind of doubt is a wrong definition. WHAT WHEN PHILOSOPHY REALLY IS? IT IS LOVE OF THE ULTIMATE REALITY. Ultimate knowledge and love of Ultimate knowledge make the mind struggle towards Reality and taking away the mask of illusions and

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