Page 130 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 130

 age, that I could clearly discern in this photograph. Old age and death are inevitable. So all this knowledge is absolutely of no use.
Is there a way by which you can directly know the Reality without the help of the human organs, that is, can you know the Reality through your soul in its purity?
All modern philosophers are said to be materialistic. They are not spiritualistic. They cannot give the solution to the question as to who you are that is getting deceived and made to suffer for what you are not really responsible. Now for that purpose there had been great people, no doubt, but none of them went beyond this knowledge of the human mind. They were giving training to control the senses; control your sense they said and learn logic and work out a debate. But they also recognized that all these are preparations for checking the mind or controlling the mind rather than knowing the Reality. The knowing of Reality is done by "Anubhava" that is not at all dependent upon what we know as 'Buddhi' or 'Manas'. It is not by these that we know the knowledge of the Reality in its full sense. This knowledge of the senses and intellect is quite alright in ordinary life. But there also it has created confusion. We have to be careful and vigilant in exercising our faculties. But can we get that higher knowledge? They said it is possible but they have also stated that you have to undergo training. Ultimately it is only a training, which has become a ritual practice like our habits and we do not have the experience of the Ultimate Reality.
Now, love for that Reality is absolutely necessary. That love, we can call it devotion or aspiration and we must be prepared to give up all for that end.
The person who first made it possible to have this experience of Reality in its naked form was Sri Ram Chandraji of Fatehgarh (U.P.). He was born on the 2nd of February, 1873 and lived till the 14th of August, 1931. Sri Ram Chandraji of Shahjahanpur met him in his 17th year and then, he himself says, he was prevented by his father from meeting him more often. He met him only ten or fifteen times during his father's lifetime. But this man was chosen by his Master for training, to be able to do Transmission of the Highest consciousness - that consciousness which makes us see that Reality without any intermediary senses.

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