Page 257 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 257

 source of all light, that mind which is the source and cause of all minds and thoughts of several levels and degrees of grossness.
The continued experience of peace within, lightness, and a peculiar means by which the knots of distress that encompass an individual seem to get dissolved or loosened, are the most important results of super conscious transmission of the Master, or of his representative.
It is well known that the chain of Gurus is more or less continuous in all religious institutions. But it is also well-known that the powers of transmission which some of these gurus possess, in some measure, are not exercised by their successors in office. Thus we find that successors, as a rule, endeavour to copy the ritual or forms adopted by their predecessors, or gurus, and we find that there is more emphasis on the letter and form rather than the act of transmission itself. This snapping of continuity determines the fall in standards of spirituality in sects and religious institutions, not to speak of all institutions in general.
In the Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga the line of preceptors is continuous, and the transmission by each and every preceptor is of the Ultimate Consciousness alone. There is hardly any difference in the quality of that transmission and consciousness, though there may be difference in each individual case of transmission as to the manner of operations in respect of cleaning, removing obstructions and uncovering the sheaths that had formed on the central core of being. This makes for the real continuous creation of divine men, or divinised men, by and through the transmission of the Ultimate Divine Being. It may also be observed that one becomes more aware of being, rather than knowing; one becomes filled with peace and fullness. There is thus the dawn of reality in oneself.
Thus the unique feature of this new system lies in divine Transmission, giving of the Breath of Being (Pranahuti) of the Divine to the individual seeker which after this first contact, continues to invigorate the individual and uplifts him to the ultimate Reality. It is called ujjivana - the real living or living in, and for, and by, Reality as such. One passes beyond all dualities and achieves Realisation of the Reality.

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