Page 276 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 276

 condition of being beyond all mind itself. This state some of the yogis call the Amanaska, but most often they consider this to be a state higher than the particular mind of the individuals alone. One goes beyond all these minds and is in direct union with the Ultimate, beyond Mind. This is Sayujyata - complete realization of the Ultimate State or the Ultimate. This is perfection.
While the liberation of the lower levels only assumes freedom from lower states, even when such states are as high as the Parabrahmanda, the perfection of the Realization is when one has union with the Ultimate and becomes of its very essence - brahmabhuta. One perhaps passes through the status of Jivabhuta before one attains the condition of Brahmabhuta. As Sri Ram Chandra puts it, one has to know and become, and then merge completely in each of the higher states which open up at higher and higher levels, till the final leap into the Ultimate takes place, and one is merged in it fully so that the Divine has opened itself up to him because he has completely opened himself up to the Divine. Samipya, sarupya and then sayujya are the three steps in liberation, and each earns a freedom that is exquisitely blissful. However, it is the last that is sought by those who seek union, even if it entails complete loss of oneself and one's identity. Others rest content with lesser status. However, if the Will of the Ultimate entails their emergence out of Him for His work they come out of Him, but carrying with them the central Peace that is infinite.
Thus divine saints are born again and again, not because of any lack of perfection in their essence, but because of what Sri Krsna called divine work. (Janma karma ca me divyam: my birth and my acts are divine). Such divinized souls bring to the earth-consciousness a supreme felicity and value, and transform almost the entire universe by their radiating power. The worlds get re-established in their true order of being and hierarchy - true dharma, and that is what humanity has been all along moving towards, and aspiring to in its darkest days of degradation, depression and disgrace.
The total divinisation of humanity is the aspiration of many saints. Whether this is possible or not, it is nevertheless conceivable. But the possibility is more for individual human beings and perhaps certain, rather than for the whole of humanity as such, for humanity is a genus, an idea, a convenient

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