Page 295 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 295

 modifications become more and more infrequent Instead of a sense agitation and activity there results calmness and non-activity, and even contemplation or role of passive witness ceases after a while. Peace is the result. Mental modifications get removed and mind becomes still because, it has being reversed or taken back to its original Condition from which it took rise.
Transmission is felt as a series of vibrations-one's entire rhythm gets modified. One seems to be tuned, to something higher and more composing and harmonious. A new set of vibrations seem to be set up in the body which makes one feel happy, blissful and peaceful.
The ancients seem to have known this. But, as in many other similar matters, the change from one rhythm (chandas) to another sort of rhythm (chandas) has been forgotten. It is however mentioned in the Vedas. Transmission from different levels of the Guru are done in order to change the level of the abhyasis consciousness: they are also done in respect of different points (chakras) so as to bring about harmonious and natural ascent to higher levels. Thus one finds a new rhythm oneself after transmission, even from the very first day of admission into the samstha (organisation of the Mission).
This is to show that even thought is in the form of vibrations, and can be shown to be of this nature. Consciousness, too, is in the form of subtle vibrations. This is an ancient discovery of the tantrik and Vedic seers. This can be fully seen in the works on Spanda (Spandakarika). This is also seen in the Ahir-budhnya samhita. It is true that this fact is of capital importance in the Modification of the citta, in fact, of any category, since according to the Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga the whole creation has proceeded out of' the first Impulse (Ksobha) which is considered to be of the nature of the First Mind or thought. This theory of course has to be accepted as a hypothesis, or rather as working system.!(The yoga system as such holds that prakrti or nature is that which evolves from its subtlest undifferentiated condition to its grossest Physical and sensory condition. Nature is said to be an independent entity and distinguished from Purusa or consciousness-entity or soul. Further according to it, Nature comprises the three gunas (qualities) sattva, rajas and tamas. The aim of Yoga is to increase the sattva and

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