Page 340 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 340

 fact, the first sutra of the Yoga - "Yogascittavritti nirodaha"-happens at the very first, and it is the very first sutra of Patanjali! Which shows that the very first thing, if you have had yoga, is to get this silent and calm mind. And it is not an unconscious mind, please note that. Nor is it a purely conscious mind. It is neither. It is something which hovers a little above the unconscious and the conscious minds. A different mind begins to operate in our consciousness. In one sense if I were to be adulatory about the achievements of some of us, I should have said our mind is something very different from the minds of other people, and we are quite a different species already. But I wouldn't harbour that peculiar claim. I would rather say that we have started on the real journey with the yoga which the Divine has initiated in us by the specific principle which He has brought into being, namely the principle of Transmission of the Divine thought which would become our Divine mind, and grow in that light and by that force.
Now, here, the service of mankind becomes very different. You find that the moment this mind is introduced into the consciousness of any one of the persons who is suffering (it is mental torture more than the physical, or as Nietzsche would say, it is better to suffer physically than mentally), if you can give relief to the mind, remove it from its fearful concentration on itself, and try to develop a fearless life, then you find the starting point of a real spiritual revolution. The spiritual revolution is started by the introduction of this new consciousness. It is not radically different because it is the primal consciousness, the Divine consciousness which, somehow, by a series of degradations or entropies has tended to become what it is; materialistic, mechanistic, and certainly a consciousness that is in holy fear of itself. Why does a man become unconscious? Have you asked that question? Why is he afraid of remaining conscious? No wonder a large number of people have dopes, night-pills and so on just to become unconscious because they are afraid of their consciousness. Have you ever seen this as the type of man whom these people want to cultivate in this world as the perpetual humanity, which we shall have to serve? That is not the humanity that we would like to have. I have a greater ideal of humanity. I feel that man is something that is essentially capable of becoming Divine. I really hold that everybody can become a temple of God. I would not say 'temple', because I hate the mechanistic concept of life. I would say he becomes the body of God, living and moving and having his breath and

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