Page 390 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 390

 making. Anyway, that has only led us to an artificial society of cultural nature. So Indian culture is rich with variety, and many people claim there is unity, or that there ought to be unity; but unity is not easily arrived at by that route of pursuing the diversity. Therefore, we have to return to what is called the original datum of experiencing God himself and to discover how, firstly, to go about connecting ourselves with God. Secondly, I will say that our present situation is such that many people ask me the simple question, "Why do we want a Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga when our great people have already given several margs?" For example they have stated that we have Karma Yoga, that we have Gnana Yoga, that we have Bhakti yoga; you may add even Hatha Yoga or Tantra Yoga and any other number of yogas. If each one of them could be multiplying then this is one more such thing which we are making today and the process is going on. Some people combine two yogas and speak about gnana-karma-samujya-yoga or gnana - bhakti - samujya - yoga. And then we have got the purna yoga which Sri Aurobindo has himself claimed as a unique integral yoga combining the best of all the yogas. This being so, why do you want a Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga?
Now this Raja Yoga is claimed by Sri Ram Chandraji, the founder of this particular Yoga, to be a purified version of the original version of Raja Yoga, and therefore he said the most natural thing to man is the Ultimate mind which is that of God. If we can use the Ultimate mind of God for the transformation of the nature of our little minds, or diversified minds, then it would be the simplest way by which we can transform our life of misery into a life of divine happiness and gratitude. Therefore all that is needed is somehow to secure the approach to the Ultimate mind or the mind of God, and connect it with our little mind which is resident in our hearts and expresses itself through our emotions and such other feelings, ideas and thoughts. This process by which we are trying to get the Ultimate mind to have a place in our mind and do the work of transformation of our consciousness and mind appears to be easy on the face of it. But it may be held that it is most difficult to get God's mind to come into us. So much so, the other yogas which I mentioned earlier have reversed the whole process and said that firstly let us do some duty or some karma which comprises, according to our ancients, yagas and yagnas and other tantras and yantras, worship or manipulating them. By that process they say you can connect

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