Page 392 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 392

 you are satisfied if your fears are removed, depending on God's assurance in Srimad Ramayan. If only you surrender once
Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavasmiti Yachate
Abhayam Sarvabhutebhyo Dadami Etat vratam Mama.
But then you did not follow it up. Saranagati became just an instrument, not a Yoga. But it is a Yoga, it connects you with God at once. Now, if we can use that technique in our Raja Yoga by which we can begin to have God's consciousness or mind to play into our heart, and if God consents to do that, consents to descend into our heart through his thought at first, and by his being later on, then our problem is solved. This is the crux of the matter. The artificial way by which we connect ourselves with God after arduous work and effort, in the process develops our ego to a very great extent. It is the most unnatural way by which you can connect yourself with God, it is artificial. It may be that all our culture only registers this process by which man is being more and more alienated from nature. Man thinks he is apart from nature, other than nature, and has to fight with nature, struggle against her. And then our modern scientists are making efforts, as I may put it, to make nature yield to our will for the sake of our comfort, for our pleasure, for our needs and so on and so forth. So we are in a sense pitted against nature, and equally we are pitted against God, because we do not want to reach God naturally but unnaturally, artificially. So, as against that, it was proposed that if we could somehow get that Supreme consciousness of God to enter into us and to shape us to become at one with nature, at peace with nature, in harmony with nature, it would be the most natural thing possible. For this a pure heart is needed, a heart that is anxious to realize that it is one with the Divine or God; that is aspiring finally to see God, to know God and to enter into God; that has as its final destination a harmony with the entire nature including all humanity and all life. That is a consummation, I believe, which every body would desire.
That is why some of our great modern prophets like Rousseau were saying that we are to cultivate a natural life. In America, Walt Whitman and Thoreau, and in Russia, Tolstoy, all of them pleaded for a natural life, not an artificial sophisticated life that has come into being, or was coming into being even in their times in America and in Europe. Today that

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