Page 485 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 485

 view. For instance, I shall mention that God is not only one status. God has infinite status. Our ancients knew that very well YEKAMSAT VIPRAHA BAHUDA VADANTI. Agni, Varunam, Aryama, Indra and so forth. Now what is the status of each? As the Itreya Brahmana puts it very nicely and elsewhere also, Agneh Avamaha Vishnoha Paramaha. Agni belongs to the earth, Vayu to the air - Anthariksha and so on due to the work. We know the Gods have been allotted to several planes. BHUR BHUVAH SUVAH MAHEH, TAMAH, JAPAH, SATYA. They are in different planes. Now what is the status with which you are worshipping God. So our people have created a large theology about it, and theogony as I will say or Cosmogony and placed him everywhere and then what is your liberation. If you are merely worshipping God on the physical plane, would it liberate you - or the middle plane or 3rd plane, the 4th plane or the 5th or the 6th or the 7th. Obviously liberation come when you go to the 7th plane - Satya Loka, where everything is real. Now the God whom you have to worship should be the highest. And we in this country are struggling to find out who is the highest and I think we have not even today decided as to who is the highest. That is why all that may be said about our own excellent variety, of manifoldness and realistic approach to the levels of reality only shows partial ideas of God-head and not the total liberating aspect of God. As I said at the beginning we must think about God as the liberator, as the Guru who liberates rather than as one who is controlling the universe, ordering the universe, as one who is establishing the Dharrna or even as PARITHRANAYA SADHUNAM VINASAYACHA DUSHKRUTAM DHARMA SAMSTHAPANARTHAYA SAMBHAVAMI YUGE YUGE protecting the good, punishing the wicked and for establishing dharma everywhere, is born in every age - quite good in themselves but where is the emancipation? The fundamental aim of worship of God by man is for emancipation - Mumukshatva. You must desire liberation and the bondage to any God is a bandage, though it is a silken bondage. It may be a gold one - it may be a silver one - it may be a copper one or may be an iron one - may be a silken one. Even the bonds of love can be bonds. So which is the KASMAI DEVAYA.
As the Upanishad puts it which God shall I adore? Which God shall I worship? Well we in this system know that we want liberation. We must only think about the transcendent supreme god head, who is known as the

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