Page 105 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 105
Story of Revered Lalaji Maharaj
extent and adjusted it to suit the requirements of time.
When he fell seriously ill, some of his disciples including Sri Jagdambika Prasad inquired of him about his representative. He calmly replied "when the candle shall be lighted, the moths would themselves fly to it." On another occasion, Sri Madan Mohal Lal of Shahjahanpur (U.P) asked the same question, Lalaji smiled and said " Ram Chandra will be the light of the family ( Ram Chandra Chirag -e- khandan hoga )." On another occasion, Pandit Ganga Sewak put the same question and Lalaji said to him "I am leaving my representative and he will himself appear."
In 1931 when his illness got serious he began to remain immersed in thought of God and felt heart rending pangs of love. He would say.
"Vadae vasl choon shavad nazdeek Aatashe shauq Tez-tar gardad"
"As the coveted hour of merger with the beloved gets nearer, so increases the fire of desire