Page 161 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 161
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
several cases of breaking the laws of the land. As his father was a senior Police Officer in the Government of Madras Presidency and the uncle of his wife was a District Judge, this put the family in awkward position. He was however weaned away from active participation in the freedom movement by his father and the uncle of his wife and he was persuaded to continue his education. However, he continued the acts of burning foreign articles and clothes and used to participate very actively in the Khadi movement and was a total Gandhian for a long time to come. He used to spin the charka and make his own paper through hand processing. Till the last day of his life he never wasted paper and used the reverse of the wedding/invitation cards and most of the notes he has taken from the various books he read were recorded by him on these cards only.
A very significant event occurred during 1927. His grandfather who was getting very old wanted him to be initiated in the Srivaishnavite tradition called as Samashrayanam by his Guru