Page 176 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 176
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
with Visistadvaita the inner feeling that Sri Aurobindo was giving the right direction never left me.
It was in 1936, however that my two reviews of Sri Aurobindo's writings and life put me into touch with Sri Aurobindo. I had the first darshan of him on 24th Nov 1936; I requested that I may be accepted as a sadhaka non-resident. I was asked to come in 1937 June, Aurobindo and the Mother saw me. I was asked to sit bare chested and on examination it was decided that I could not be accepted as a sadhaka. That was my first shock. However I continued devoting myself to a serious study of Sri Aurobindo.
In 1939, there was a call from the Devasthanams at Tirupati which is avowedly a Visistadvaita shrine to join the Oriental Institute as Professor of Comparative Religion and Philosophy to do work (service) for the Visistadvaita philosophy. The offer was not good salary wise. Yet owing to the insistent demands of my father, Sri Rao Bahadur K.V.Rangaswami Iyengar and his uncle Rao Bahandur N.S.Narasimhachariar, I accepted the