Page 177 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 177
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
offer. Since I was not accepted by Sri Aurobindo I did not consult him but joined. (I belong to the sect of Visistadvaita by birth and thought that I had perhaps to do and achieve my salvation through it alone.) I had to face a lot of persecution and within two years the fact became clear to me that Visistadvaita had no hope and place at this famous shrine and might get discarded slowly. This was my second shock-profoundly more than the first.....
"It began to dawn on me whether after all the God worshipped on the Hills was partial to Sri Ramanuja, or whether it was after all a common enough God for all sects and persons.... The diversion of funds towards secular... meanwhile gained momentum.... The Srinivasa Mission, expansion of the secular activities, the expanded provision of amenities for pilgrims, the gold-gilding and so on. These undoubtedly popularized God: more income and more expenditure and more pilgrim traffic. T.T.Devasthanams began growing. I cannot say that there was a great wave of religiosity and interest. The summer school of Religion was a