Page 53 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 53
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
that we can say does not carry the advertisements loaded with these polluted and highly choking inputs.
That being so, now we are talking about parahita and parasukha in an atmosphere that is so polluted. But, how to achieve this? Is it not for this reason our minds are highly excited and does not allow even a few minutes to contemplate on God or any other sublime subject. The answer has been we do not see God nor is there anything that is more important than the self and selfish ends. This is the refuge of an ostrich. What levels we have degraded ourselves can be understood only by those in whom thinking has not yet become a casualty. The problem of the polluted environment alone made even in good olden days for the many who sought the goal of life with sincerity to go to far off places from residential areas – may be Himalayas or other mountain resorts to feel peaceful and work within. They were always also having an Indra who was envious of them and a little apprehensive about his post to disturb them with his nymphs and dancers. Today we do not have to wait for one Indra to disturb