Page 63 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 63
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
What happens to the content of consciousness next? The super consciousness of the lower type namely D consciousness that is in the upper portion of the heart gets transcended and we enter into the realm of D1 consciousness. The seat of this consciousness is located in between the two eyebrows generally known as the region of the Ajna in yogic literature. The movement to this level in this system is not from Muladhara through Swadhishtana, Manipura, Anahata and Visuddha to Ajna. That path is Sakteya or Kundalini yoga. In this system the path from the D Consciousness to D1 is through a zigzag path covering certain yogic centers of the Dayal path. It is not necessary to go into those details in the context of understanding the efficacy of this system of Rajayoga. Suffice it to note that the heart is the base of our existence (which relates to the element Earth). From this level we gain discriminatory knowledge (Viveka) which develops further into detached (due attachment) outlook (vairagya). From this level we move towards the knowledge of inter dependency which is the nature
of the soul (Atma). The interdependence is just not 153