Page 101 - Goal of Life
P. 101

way of our assuming the OrigInal state of simplicity with concerted sadhana. This is the Oneness with God. This is our goal.\u000ACOMMANDMENT 5\u000A\u201CBE TRUTHFUL. TAKE MISERIES AS DIVINE BLESSINGS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD AND BE THANKFUL\u201D.\u000AHere the Command Be Truthful\u0027 has been interpreted variously. Some great pioneers of the System felt that it is \u2018Speak Truth\u0027. Babuji Maharaj said that \u2018Truthfulness\u0027 really implies the sense of presenting one\u0027s own self in its true colours. This is the state at which man exclaims spontaneously \u2018It is as It is\u0027. This is the state which in true sense is Reality. Even this does not convey its express meaning. This is in fact the point at which all the powers are drawn in and accumulated at the time of Pralaya - Dissolution - and nothing but absolute Reality remains in existence. When consciousness ends, we may then consider to have arrived at this primary state. The \u2018Truthful\u0027 presentation of \u2018self\u0027 gives, therefore, an understanding that it was the condition that existed prior to the primary Stir - before the creation - and it is the state to which we will return after Pralaya. So, it is one existence and part of the Base - the Ultimate. We cultivate this habit of truthfulness - purity, plainness, simplicity - so\u000A96\u000A

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