Page 103 - Goal of Life
P. 103

his Masterly stroke said about God \u2018He is neither Saguna nor Nirguna but beyond both; He is what He is\u0027. Once we correlate \u2018Truthfulness\u0027 as \u2018It is as It is\u0027, we may get an idea of its proximity to or even part of Absolute itself. It is this Divinity in us that should be presented in its true colours so that we can, with the support of the Master, enter that sphere.\u000ALalaji Maharaj considered three things necessary for a Saint. One, permanent bodily ailment; two, financial stringency and three, Nindak - being found fault with. This invitation to ailments, miseries, sorrows and the like would develop in us the quality of forbearance and habit of truthfulness simply because we start seeing the \u2018self\u0027 in its true colours oblivious of the superfluities of miseries, diseases etc. and other physical impediments. In this case, such ailments are really Divine blessings for our spiritual amelioration and we should be thankful to Him. The axiom of Rev. Babuji Maharaj that \u2018physical ailments are really meant for the cure of spiritual diseases\u0027, is a Truth. The medicine may be bitter and in the end, when we are cured and reach the Destination, we must always thank the Divine Doctor - the Master. We will always do this. Everybody does the same.\u000AMan is a bipolar being. It has got its roots nearest to the Base and the other end towards the\u000A98\u000A

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