Page 22 - Goal of Life
P. 22

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Aan individual. It is this spiritual transformation of the individual, which is the expression of Divinity in the world of manifestation. It is This Divinity - God which is the Real goal of human life.\u000AThere are various conceptions of the Ultimate Reality - God. People look upon Him differently according to their capacity and understanding. The most commonly accepted conception of God is Eternal Power. But philosophic view includes the idea of Nirguna Brahman (Indeterminate Absolute) which is above all multiplicity and distinction. It is beyond quality, activity and consciousness. This Nirguna Brahman is regarded to be the Ultimate Cause and substratum of existence; the super active Centre of entire manifestation. It is also known as Para Brahman. With this comes another conception - the idea of God as Supreme Existence. We see the universe with all its diversities and differentiations and we are led to believe in it\u0027s creator and controller. We call Him Iswara or Saguna Brahman (Determinate Absolute) - also known as Apara Brahman. We think of Him as an Eternal Existence - Omnipotent and omniscient, possessing all finest attributes. It is only when viewed from the lower levels that God (as the God of religion) becomes an object of worship - final approach of almost all religions. While there is much debate on and large\u000Afollowing for both these conceptions, Babuji Maharaj\u000A17\u000A

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