Page 24 - Goal of Life
P. 24

GOAL OF LIFE\u000Ais the real goal of human life. The confusing methods and complicated means advised for the realisation of the simplest do not therefore, serve the purpose; rather on the other hand they keep one entangled in his self-created complexities all the life. As a matter of fact, realisation is neither a game of contest with the nerves and muscles nor a physical pursuit involving austerities, penance or mortification but is only transformation of the inner BEING to its real nature. That is what Sri Ram Chandra\u0027s Raja Yoga, therefore, takes into account, ignoring all misplaced superfluities connected with it. It is this transformation that Rev. Babuji Maharaj promises to the entire humanity with a view to reestablish Divine Order and evolve a civilisation where co-operation is the spirit, service is the rule and sacrifice is the principle. Our Master\u0027s Divine clarion call \u201CAwake, O Sleepers! It\u0027s the hour of the dawn\u201D.\u000AFor the first time in the spiritual history, God \u2013 the subtlest \u2013 has been so adequately defined that He becomes the object of our meditation. Whenever we think of Him, want to worship Him, praise Him and the like, what is our goal? The coin of life has two sides \u2013 Divine and Spiritual and Worldly and material \u2013 and any goal must make both these resplendent. All have come from Him and the Divine expresses Himself through us and the manifestation.\u000AIt is axiomatic that every flower may grow in its right\u000A19\u000A

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