Page 31 - Goal of Life
P. 31

GOAL OF LIFE\u000ASpiritual perfection\u000ALalaji Maharaj considered that spiritual perfection is based on three things. \u201CLove for the Master\u201D is the first cardinal principle for spiritual enlightenment. When the abhyasi has become devoted to the object of meditation, it, then, ceases to be \u201Cdry abhyas\u201D and becomes a luscious \u201Call- absorbing engagement\u201D. Devotion and love, of course, remain so easy and yet so difficult of achievement at once. Real love for the object \u2013 the Master - will automatically lead to restlessness - impatient to secure nearness to the loved One. Divine love for the Master develops through constant remembrance also. A man of heart can be discovered only by one who is inspired with a feeling of true love. \u201CSatsangh with the Master\u201D is the second step for spiritual excellence. Association with Reality is called Satsangh. The mysterious interior of a man can actually be known through Satsangh (Close association) and sadhana (practice). They are absolutely essential. Babuji Maharaj introduced in our Satsangh the Universal Prayer at 9 P.M. every day. At this time, every abhyasi wherever he might happen to be, should meditate for 15 minutes thinking that all brothers and sisters are being filled with love and devotion and real faith in the Master is growing stronger in them. Besides being highly\u000A26\u000A

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