Page 32 - Goal of Life
P. 32

ROLE OF ABHYASI\u000Aeffective for checking the indulgences of the mind and improprieties of the conduct, this Universal Satsangh gives an impetus to individual practice like weekly and special Satsanghs. Group meditation and inter action with brother abhyasis would create a conducive environment of fraternity and greatly assist us in developing correct mental framework for meditation. Association with the thoughts of the Master and experiences of brother abhyasis will naturally brighten our Yatra (journey) to the goal. \u201CObedience to the Master\u201D is the last maxim for spiritual perfection. Here is a Master who do NOT ask for any material offerings nor construction of Abodes nor performance of rituals nor physical and mental mortifications nor any processions. Therefore how and what to obey? How to offer our obedience to Him? What are we to do? While categorising disciples into five, Babuji Maharaj said that a devout disciple - Murad - is one who has become the object of love of His Guru - the Master. Similarly, obedience to the Master must be of such nature that while Master is the object of one\u0027s Meditation, we should also qualify to be Master\u0027s object of love, attention and blessings. How is it possible? The real cry of the pangful heart of a true seeker brings the Master to his door. The quintessence of obedience centres around mental, physical and spiritual disciplines. Obedience to the Master should become a natural\u000A27\u000A

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