Page 96 - Goal of Life
P. 96

creation. In this way, our merging in the state becomes permanent and everlasting. This is our ideal. This is what is complete oneness with God - the Ultimate.\u000AThe question, now arises, how long should we do sadhana? Obviously, till the ideal is achieved, as long as it requires to be a \u2018Big Zero\u0027, \u2018Living Dead\u0027 and allow the Divinity to express Itself through us. Divinity only shall be seen in us by others. Rev. Babuji Maharaj has given this image only to us and that Image is He is the Divinity in expression. There is no other image He is capable of giving us. He annihilated Himself to that extent and pleads with us to come to that level. He beacons us, extends His hand to us, lends His support to us and above all assures us to take us up to that level. This goal clarity must dominate all our spiritual orientations. The goal of Oneness with the Master is not only to be achieved during meditation - we are fortunate to have been bestowed with this condition. After meditation what? People continue to identify us with our individual names and forms. That means we have not been able to achieve the goal totally. They do not see Divinity in us. The reason is that we have still hidden Him inside us; inside the cave of our heart only. \u2018You have been displaying yourself only having Divinity hidden inside\u0027, Rev. Lalaji Maharaj\u000Aused to say \u2018Now, you hide yourself and allow the\u000A91\u000A

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