Page 97 - Goal of Life
P. 97

Divinity to be seen by others\u0027. This is what sadhakas should strive for.\u000ACOMMANDMENT 4\u000A\u201CBE PLAIN AND SIMPLE TO BE IDENTICAL WITH NATURE\u201D.\u000AThis apparently open and direct command has lot of special significance. If we have to be identical with the Nature, which is pure, sacred, primeval and unadulterated and unpolluted subtlest thing, we have to be plain and simple. The plainness which is transparent and which is in its original state is what is being called for. At the time of creation, the perfect calmness, a type of see-through transparency and plain nature - was disturbed by the effect of the Primary Stir leading to the formation of forms. All the created things had the effect or reflections of the Real Power. Gradually, the power inherited by one began to develop and the same original thought that caused the Primary Stir, being present in man, started to manifest itself in proportion to its magnitude. It commenced to display its actions similar to those related to the Divine. Thus, man took up a contrary trend and began to build his own creation. Though action in the Divine manifestation and man\u0027s own network of individual creation is the same, in respect of plainness and\u000Apurity, it was an absolute contrast to the Divine and\u000A92\u000A

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