Page 42 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 42

7. Stages of Progress - Sri Ramchandra Ji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur
We proceed methodically, awakening the various centres of power which are helpful in our pursuit. Each of these points has its own particular significance. We take up the heart which is the nucleus. We go on with meditation at this point till the goal is attained. There are five points or sub-centres in it through which we pass during the course of our journey. When we reach the last or the fifth point, our passage towards ajna chakra (Cavernous plexus) becomes straight. The condition at this point is peculiar. From this point the energy which we consume is diverted towards the lower region. During our journey to the point the major condition which one experiences is the feeling of something like shadowy darkness. This is only a clue to show that we have finally to go beyond light. Its real nature pertains neither to light nor to darkness, but to a dawn like colour. Thenceforth, we proceed straight to Sahasra-dal-kamal - the lotus of a thousand petals. This is the virat region. It was from this point that the virat rup was brought to Arjuna's vision at the time of the battle of Mahabharat. It is the Macrocosm. We proceed on towards the occipital prominence, after we have completed the journey through the sahasrara.
During the course of our march to this point we have to pass through, and cross, the various centres which have their own particular condition. At the occipital prominence we begin to experience a changeless condition which in other words means brahmagati or the state of Divine. Its completion means we have crossed the seven rings of so called Light. Afterwards one having thoroughly merged in Brahm, gets in close touch with Bhuma-the Ultimate, or God in His absolute state. What or where he is then beyond his understanding.
The following four conditions, in order, are felt at the first point, the heart:
1. Apeculiarstate,awakeningwithinthemindaconsciousnessoftheDivine force, pervading all over.
2. ADivinestateprevailingeverywhere,andeverythingabsorbedinits

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