Page 45 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 45

People often say that they do not feel anything in respect of their inner state. But when I ask them whether they ever tried for it or not, they only reply that they did not, since they are incapable of it. I do not agree with them. I believe everyone has this capacity, because intelligence is sure to develop as one proceeds on with his abhyas. The fact is that they apply their developed understanding to other things but not to this one. Usually it is diverted towards worldly things rather than towards the Divine, with the result that they go on getting more firmly attached to the world. As a matter of fact they do not want to make any sacrifice, nor have they any real craving for Reality. All that they pose to be doing is merely for the sake of recreation or perhaps for satisfying their curiosity. Even under these circumstances I feel it obligatory upon myself to help them as far as possible.
Vairagya can develop very easily, if one only diverts his attention towards God. On my part I do divert their attention towards the Divine and fix it thereby my will and this they do feel and realise, but they utilise it for material purposes only. I am confident that in certain cases they keep on pulling it downwards for worldly matters.
But most of the abhyasis, though they come up and make a start with it, ever remain complaining about the rising of thoughts. Who is after all responsible for it? I, or the abhyasi himself? I may assure you that on my part I keep on pulling out adverse effects from off the abhyasi's mind lest he might be over worried. But what can I do for those who do not even attract my attention towards them? As a matter of fact I have nothing of my own in me. It is all stored up in me for you all. I wish I could entrust it to somebody during my lifetime and be relieved of the burden, so that I may depart with nothing about me. Now, what I have as the Master's trust can neither be termed as spirituality, nor Reality, nor even bliss.
True seekers in the real sense of the word are rarely traceable, though some of them exert vigorously to create in themselves a state of mind which might seem to promise highest ascent.
The real merit of the system will come to light if one comes forward as a true seeker for it. Hardly a few among the abhyasis exert themselves to make themselves receptive. Even then I thrust it upon them at times, but I fear I may have to carry it all with me when I leave the material form. It is necessary for every man to realise the effect of the conditions infused into him. Then alone can

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